

To provide various themed template guides to help you map out your stories and adventures with your photographs.

Would you like to create a photo album filled with stories and special photographs, beneficial values, ensuring your love is passed along a much smoother pathway for your loved ones to know and follow?  Have the difficult places in your journey been used in positive ways to shape you?  Possibly the heritage path you were given to walk may have been a rough one lined with pain and heartache.  But that doesn’t have to be the legacy path you leave behind, does it?

Would you like to join us as we climb aboard this modern-day Ark, sailing the internet waves, casting our nets far and wide, sharing our stories with our personal photographs, to help bridge the gap from generation to generation?  Could such photo album be helpful to share how the deep, rough waters can be made smoother when we cast our nets to encourage others to trust and draw near to God so He will draw near to you, for He loves to bind up broken hearts, set captives free, give a crown of beauty instead of ashes, fill our hearts with joy instead of mourning, and praise instead of despair (Isaiah 61).  Who knows, possibly such a project could be encouraging to ourselves as we reflect looking back in our rearview mirror upon our lives as we ask God to see it from His perspective.

History is important, it helps us not repeat mistakes.  Consider it as simply His Story, God’s story, through our stories with personal photographs that we can enjoy as well as our family and friends for generations to come. So let’s “not hide them but tell the coming generations the glorious deeds of the LORD, and His might, and the wonders He has done” (Psalm 78:4 ESV).  It is our hope these various template-guide themes will help you organize your thoughts, give you ideas and suggestions so that you can create a photo album that can be printed or used in electronic format to “write down for the coming generation what the LORD has done, so that people not yet born will praise him (Psalm 102:18 GNB).



We all have a history to tell
His story in us will do very well!
So with your stories and photographs
Share times of tears and of laughs
Tell how you found The Oasis
In your desert, wilderness places.
Tell how you gained victory
Like our Savior, over the enemy.
For the trials in life are the cost we pay
To gain flowers of compassion to give away.
Let’s share with the next generation so they will praise and know
How our Good Father and Master Gardener does water and grow.
He works for good our seasons of fearful, torrential rain,
And the sun’s wearisome, thirst-inducing, blistering pain.
When we set the eyes of our heart on His kingdom above,
For this walk by faith opens the flood gates to His provisions and great love.
When we keep looking up towards the rays of light given by the Son,
The dark shadows fall behind us, the victory has been won.
Do you see how journaling is a must?
When in quietness and hopeful trust,
We get to document the strengths we’ve gained,
Telling of God’s loving and faithful provisions obtained.
It is my prayer-filled hope that our stories will be,
Miracles of glory all for Thee!

So will you come join us and climb aboard this Bridge the Gap Ark?
Let’s sail the internet waves, His glorious deeds, mighty love, and amazing grace
we shall impart.
