
About the Call to Action:

To inspire, encourage, provide ideas to help God’s people tell their stories.

Have you thought your story was boring or you don’t really have anything to say? Well, I surely thought that when God started pressing me to help his people write their stories…and I asked how in the world can I do that when I don’t even know how to write my own story.  Did you know God has a sense of humor?  It seems He loves to use the “least of these” (and that would be me), along with His powerful Word to open blind eyes to do things they cannot do so He can do it through them.

That’s what He began doing!  While reading His Word, poems would come rushing up like “Old Faithful Geyser” that explain our story is simply our history, that is HisStory in us reflecting His goodness and faithfulness throughout our lives, especially when He brought us through those stormy seas that He has used for our good in shaping our lives and character.  So surely we have stories to share …  If not, I challenge you to ask God to see your life from His perspective and you, too, may find yourself looking back in your rearview mirror and see your life in a whole new light!


  • Psalm 78:4,ESV   “We will not hide them from [our] children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and His might, and the wonders that He has done.”
  • Psalm 102:18NIV  “Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord.”
  • Psalm 73:28 NKJV “But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all Your works.”


Will you take God’s Word to heart, for we all have a story to tell, His story in us will do very well so watch out for you just may discover when you … “Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back — given back with bonus and blessing.Luke 6:38 MSG

As adults, we all know life can be grueling and hard.  One of my favorite things to say to remind myself and encourage others is “Life is hard BUT GOD is Good!”  Creating your story photobook may be just the thing that helps a loved one find the encouragement needed to not give up and press on, all because you opened the window to your heart and passed along a heritage that cares for the emotional, social, and spiritual needs of your children, family, and future generations.

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Bridge the Gap Ark.com can help you build a modern-day Ark to sail the internet waves providing a better bridge to span the gap from generation to generation through telling your stories combined with your photographs.  Who isn’t interested in old and new photographs?  Could they possibly be used to attract the interests of your family, friends and future generations?  Do you need a little help getting started?

Try one of the story template guides under the “Templates” section for they are filled with suggestions and ideas to jog your memory and get your photos out of computer prisons and dusty shoe boxes.  These guides can help you map out your stories and adventures to create heirloom photo albums.  Who knows how far the ripples in the water may go?

Simply select one of the themed template guides that best meets your photo album project goal and may you and others reap the blessings of telling your stories with your photographs.

  • “Life Story” Template
  • A “Family Yearbook” Template
  • A “Student’s Yearbook” Template
  • A “Journal of Remembrance” template
  • A “Precious First Years” Template
  • A “Vacation Adventures” Template
  • My “Special Pet’s Adventures” Template
  • “A Life Well-Lived” Template
  • A “Precious Child in Heaven” Template
  • Personalized “Greeting Card” Template