Graphic Images

Graphic Images and Doorpost Creations

A donation is requested for use of a graphic photo or a “Doorpost Creation” that incorporates an inspirational verse or quote with a nature photo. The Doorpost Creations may be used to insert in your story or for other graphic projects for home or other personal uses to create coffee mugs, blankets, wall hangings, etc., as we are reminded “You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your gates” (Deuteronomy 6:9).

The mezuzah, is a well-recognized, visible sign of a Jewish home or place of business that contains a powerful message; the presence of a mezuzah on the doorposts of a house is a testimony that this is the dwelling place of people who honor God and are dedicated to His service. The Hebrew word mezuzah simply means doorpost; however, the doorpost of a house can be a sign of what a
particular house epitomizes. The mezuzah may serve as a reminder in a Messianic home that we are called to “walk in the light as He is in the light” (1 John 1:7). When we understand the significance of doorways and gates in Jewish culture, the words of Yeshua become even more meaningful: “I am the gate ….” (John 10:7–10). The door or gate was a vital place of entry for a sheep to enter into the protection and provision of its shepherd. At night, the shepherd would even guard his flock from
predators with his whole body by lying across the entryway.

May “Doorpost Creations” be a reminder for those who put their hope and trust in the LORD “The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever” (Psalm 121:8).



Nature – Forests
Nature – Forests
